The Ognissanti Piazza

Piazza d'Ognissanti is located on the banks of the Arno River, which can be reached from the Duomo (cathedral) by taking via de' Pecori, continuing along via degli Agli and continuing to the left on via de' Tomabuoni until you reach the river. Then turn right on Lungamo Corsini and continue along the Arno in via Amerigo Vespucci.

In the square you will find the Palazzo Lenzi which houses the French Honorary Consulate.

In the center of the square the statue of Hercules by Romano Romanelli was inaugurated in 1937.

The two big hotels date from the 19th century.

The Ognissanti piazza


Church of Ognissanti - Chiesa di Ognissanti

Address : Piazza d'Ognissanti

Opening hours: from 9:30 to 12:00 and from 16:00 to 19:00. Sundays and holidays from 4pm to 7pm. Closed on Monday.

Price : free of charge

The Chiesa di Ognissanti (Church of All Saints), founded in the 13th century by the Order of the Humiliati, underwent several renovations until the 17th century.

The majolica depicting the Coronation of the Virgin above the central portal is by the school of Andrea Della Robbia.

The façade of the church of Ognissanti


The crowning of the Virgin of the church of Ognissanti

Inside Domenico Ghirlandaio decorated the funeral chapel of the Vespucci family. Under the mantle of the Virgin of Mercy sheltering the members of the Vespucci family one can recognize, on the left, Amerigo who abusively gave his name to the New World, and on the right, the beautiful Simonetta Cattaneo who would have given her features to the goddess of the Birth of Venus and to Botticelli's Flora of Spring.


Fresco of the church of Ognissanti


Interior view of the church of Ognissanti


Cloister - hours - Monday, Tuesday, Saturday - 9am - 12pm

Through the Renaissance cloister with its 17th century frescoes illustrating the life of St. Francis, one arrives at the refectory decorated with a Holy Communion (as is often the case in convent refectories) by Domenico Ghirlandaio. The melancholy and sweetness of the scene is disturbed by the flights of birds of prey over the garden in the background.

The monuments of Florence